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Writer's pictureNikia Kigler

What does your company culture say about your business?

Opal Aesthete's mission is to bridge the left brain and right brain thinking to encourage creative thinking and fun through the art making process. I hope to also help you create a more pleasant environment for clients and workers, because I have been the disgruntle worker who feels like their voice isn't being heard. I've been the bored manager/supervisor who felt that their creativity was stifled although I had to make decisions on the day to day basis. I'm also an entrepreneur trying to figure out how to handle real business problems while including my artistic talents. When your clients leave underwhelmed or your employees don't feel fulfilled you miss out on opportunities to grow. What would both of these groups say about their interactions with your business? Were they bored or didn't feel seen? Was your product lackluster and unoriginal because of lack of color & design? Did your office space feel cold and did it lack creativity?

Your company culture relies on all the people that you interact with from your clients or partners to your team members and contractors. Company culture is made up of different ever evolving parts which include: atmosphere, decision making, performance, communication style, structure, and team approach. Think of your model business that are successful AND manage to have happy employees (for the most part because nobody is perfect.)

Companies such as Google, Nike, Apple, Southwest, BuzzFeed have not only created a great brand, but a successful company culture. We can all picture these brands and get a feel of what they're about. We enjoy walking into these environments that are inviting and the workers have a relaxed way about themselves. I mean regardless of how you feel about each company WHO DOESN'T want to have free food, a gym, encouragement to play, maternity/paternity leave, and a massage therapist at work. (Check out Google's philosophy.🤯) This mindset is not limited to large corporations. What can you do small scale and who are those local heros?

Forbes has listed many brands that ranked at the top of the list in 2019. There are other lists like Forbes with some companies appearing multiple times.

"So, what really defines corporate culture? Fancy perks and a pretty office alone do not build culture and cause employees to do their best work. Culture needs to go beyond the superficial. A Glassdoor study found that great cultures are formed when there's:
A workplace with a clear mission connecting employees' daily work to a broader social purpose and positive change.
High-quality senior leaders who are inspiring, empathetic and competent.
A set of clearly-defined pathways for career advancement, making job roles a journey rather than a dead-end.

The values that help achieve these are what Glassdoor calls the Big 9 Cultural Values, and they're cited the most by leading companies and have the greatest impact on results.
Respect "

Read more about what people enjoy about these businesses. Let's rethink what a good business is and strive for more than financial goals. Are you being creative in your approach and how can you revamp your business during this COVID19 slow period so that your clients and employees with have a fresh experience. Maybe in 2021 you can be known as that cool company that leaves a lasting impression.

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